Holme Junior & Infant School

Design Technology

Design Technology Leader: Miss Wood

At Holme School, our pupils will learn to design and make:

  • a range of sweet and savoury food products
  • a range of textiles
  • structures
  • mechanisms

(These are referred to as the four strands that are woven through our DT curriculum and form the focus of each unit.)

Design Technology will be taught through a process which involves pupils:

  • evaluating a range of products that fulfil a given brief
  • designing
  • practising skills
  • making
  • evaluating/assessing against the brief


Our curriculum is designed to enable pupils to progress through a sequence of skills and technical knowledge as they move through the school. These are developed within a two-year cycle that alternates complementary skills, which build on skills learned in the previous key stage and equip them for the challenges in the next cycle, as well as further learning in design and technology.


Where we have chosen to focus on a particular designer or design brief, our curriculum is designed to emphasise our drivers of diversity, environment, community, creativity and aspiration.


Units are taught either half-termly or termly. Class 1 and 2 will be learning along the same theme however, the progression of skills and overall outcome is clearly differentiated.


Although not explicitly required by the ELGs, skills and knowledge about DT are experienced in the EYFS through play, exploration and enrichment, focussing on practical learning rather than abstract design.

 DT Cooking .pdfDownload
 DT Structures.pdfDownload
 Mechanisms Skills Progression.pdfDownload
 Textiles Skills Progression.pdfDownload
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